About us

We are a growing team of competent consultants, coaches and trainers. In addition to our offices in Berlin and Ravensburg, our trainers work in different regions, according to uniform standards and with a uniform approach. This enables us to offer our clients regionality and flexibility. We guarantee quality through long-term involvement and continuous development of our partners.
We look back to 15 successful years since we founded EQ-TRAIN® together. This has resulted in a team of competent consultants, coaches and trainers with many new ideas and concepts for approaches and methods, which we at EQ-TRAIN® have developed close to our customers and have been able to perfect with constant feedback. This enables us to offer our clients specialist knowledge combined with the greatest possible flexibility.

Dragana Nikolić, M.A.
Co-founder and licensee of EQ-TRAIN®
Location Berlin
Dragana Nikolić, acquired in Germany numerous auxiliary qualifications, like e.g. accredited INSIGHTS MDI Consultant, accredited ASSESS Consultant, Masters Neuro Linguistic Seller Sales Training, NLP Practitioner (internationally certified NLP Trainerin, after Richard Bandler, with Marc Galal), authorized process Consultant enterprise-value: humans, certified Consultant Offensive middle class etc. certified.
Dragana Nikolić works in Germany and Europe as a business consultant and coach. According to Fokus and Xing, she is one of Germany’s best top coaches in the categories: Management coaching, team development and communication coaching in 2016 and 2017.
Her professional focuses are talent recognition, strategic personal development, competence management and use of personality tools, conception, development and implementation of corporate mission statements, leadership strategy planning, development of solutions for communication conflicts, integration of CSR topics into business processes, business development, networking and entrepreneurship.
Dragana Nikolic Social Media

Werner Isele
Initiator, founder and licensee of EQ-TRAIN®.
Location Ravensburg
Werner Isele has many years of experience in management and sales in both the public and private sectors and was active in Germany and Switzerland before joining the Scheelen Group in 2004. In this role he built up the partner network in Germany to more than 800 partners and EQ-TRAIN as a consulting and training company.
As Senior Advisor for the Scheelen Group he is responsible for the development of strategic partnerships and carries out accreditations for INSIGHTS MDI and ASSESS. EQ-TRAIN’s clients benefit from his profound knowledge of aptitude diagnostics and his diverse experience as a trainer and consultant.
In addition to his basic qualifications in business administration, he is a master trainer for the tools of the Scheelen Group such as INSIGHTS MDI and ASSESS. He is an accredited RELIEF consultant and Member of Target Training International Faculty in Scottsdale, Arizona.
He is a proven expert in Management Diagnostics, Talent Recognition and Leadership Development with a focus on communication and sales, team building, leadership development as well as corporate and personal health management.
He is our contact for marketing and business concepts for trainers and consultants.
Werner Isele Social Media

Stefan Urke
Head of the EQ-TRAIN® Location Biebertal
Following his studies in business administration, Stefan Urke gained 15 years of experience in sales and management at Allgemeine Kreditversicherung AG, Hewlett-Packard GmbH, DHL Worldwide Express GmbH and finally as sales director at Deutsche Post AG.
In 1997 he completed several months of training as a management trainer and has been self-employed since 1998, focusing on management and sales training, trainer training and aptitude diagnostics.
He is an accredited INSIGHTS MDI Master Trainer and ASSESS Trainer. He is also a professional for Blended Learning and Certified European E-Learning Manager (CELM). In addition to German, he is also fluent in English.
His lifeblood: pragmatic yet professional solutions for recruiting, onboarding and personnel development of SMEs based on the proven online tools of EQ TRAIN®.
Stefan Urke Social Media
Our Vision
Employees should be supported to use their talents for top performance, job satisfaction, commitment and loyalty.
Our Mission
EQ-TRAIN® promotes and develops the potential and competencies of success-oriented people, organisations and companies.
The aim of this Code of Conduct is to ensure that EQ-TRAIN®’s vision and mission are implemented in a responsible manner. To this end, EQ-TRAIN® and its employees undertake to respect the principles set out and to follow the guidelines. This set of rules expresses the self-image of our company and has been developed and confirmed in dialogue with the entire team. The principles and guidelines set the standards for the cooperation with the employees and guarantee the quality of the services. EQ-TRAIN® will be measured and can be measured against this Code of Conduct.
Under responsible leadership we value the establishment, design and maintenance of integral and consistent relationships with all relevant stakeholders in the company.
For us, respect is shown in the appreciation of others and the support of the development of personality and leadership quality.
Transparency towards employees and business partners forms the basis for mutual trust and sustainable business success. With the existence of transparency all contracts, regulations and agreements can be easily understood. This applies to both employees and business partners.
By sustainable personal management we mean an adequate competence management, a responsible leadership culture in the company as well as the acceptance and promotion of the personality.
By adhering to our principles, we want to make a positive contribution to social development and support innovative corporate management.
EQ-TRAIN® develops the framework conditions for all offered seminars and sets standards for their implementation. New employees are certified in the corresponding EQ-TRAIN® courses and receive seminar materials. The development of the seminar plans takes place with the participation of the implementing employees. They teach EQ-TRAIN® about their practical experience; their feedback is used for continuous optimisation.
EQ-TRAIN® works with selected trainers, coaches and consultants on a long-term basis. Projects are done only by expert partners who have the relevant experience and skills.
Employees have a responsible role within the team and take large part in designing seminars in order to be able to contribute their competences as effectively as possible. The measures can be freely designed within the given seminar framework. The EQ-TRAIN® standards must always be maintained.
EQ-TRAIN® offers the competences required to carry out EQ-TRAIN® assignments through further training and certifies to its employees internally.
The compensation model enables employees to participate fairly in the economic success of the company, as EQ-TRAIN® sees its business model as a partnership between freelancers and the umbrella organisation. The compensation is internally transparent for all employees.
In the sense of a transparent acquisition the sales negotiations take place openly and honestly. No results are promised that cannot be achieved. The costs for the customers are always in reasonable proportion to the services and are agreed with them before the beginning of the consulting activity.
Contracts that require unfair actions will be refused or not processed.
EQ-TRAIN® employees undertake not to associate EQ-TRAIN® products with the sale of competing services.
We are committed to scientific standards. All analysis tools used have been developed in Europe or the USA and are scientifically validated for German-speaking countries.
The results of the analyses will not be passed on without interpretation and advice. Participants have the opportunity to express their views and to obtain information about the exact results of each analysis. Employees who take on an assignment for EQ-TRAIN® only use analysis tools for which they are appropriately qualified.
EQ-TRAIN® undertakes to increase its data privacy measures due to its specific business activities. Collected data about participating persons will be treated confidentially towards third parties. Discussions about results with clients will only take place within the framework of a pre-defined agreement.
EQ-TRAIN® will ensure that unauthorised persons do not have access to internal documents or confidential results of the analyses before, during and after completion of the contract. Employees and other third parties involved in an activity are bound to secrecy.
EQ-TRAIN® is obliged to maintain secrecy regarding the Client’s internal company information. This obligation does not extend to facts which are apparently known or whose importance does not require secrecy. It shall also not apply insofar as they must be disclosed in state proceedings or for the enforcement of claims arising from the order. The requirements of the European Data Protection Regulation (EU-DSGVO) are strictly observed.
EQ-TRAIN® is aware that tools for suitable diagnostics must be used with due care and in the protection of personal interests. EQ-TRAIN® follows the arguments of the critics and presents the course of the discussion in a transparent manner. EQ-TRAIN® is of course prepared to take a stand on critical arguments.
The corporate guidelines are reviewed annually. The self-assessment uses indicators and obtains its data from internal business processes, customer feedback and employee appraisals.
EQ-TRAIN® provides recommendations for environmentally responsible behaviour in order to highlight the environmental issues affected by EQ-TRAIN® and to bring improvements in the company’s activities.